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Car phanatic 



I forced myself to do a challenge. The challenge requires were the following:

You work on a website for car fanatics. Basically, it is a list of 10.000 cars including a set of 30 data points like car manufacturer, name, construction year, engine power, mileage, fuel type, fuel capacity, transmission type, et cetera.


6-8 hours




Low-fi UI


me myself and I





Through users interviews the following use cases have surfaced:

  1. users need the ability to see and compare all 30 data points between cars.

  2. users need the ability to find all coupés.

  3. users need the ability to find specific cars

  4. users need the ability to find the most powerful coupé.

  5. users need the ability to view details for every listed car.


To create a website for car phanatics to give them a plattform for their needs. 


I conducted several ways of research, at the beginning my focus was on diving into this topic to understand demography of car phanatics. Therefore I started with a target group analyse, based on the findings I created a persona, a user research and some moodboards. It was important to find out which behavior and motivation the car phanatics have, to understand their pain points and to get first assumptions. If I would have had more time, I would have invested it in user interviews.

Research Highlights

User demography

  • average age of new car buyers is 53 years

  • brand affinity is higher for men, not older then 29 years

  • about 7% more men have a driving licence (2020)


  • Associations with driving a car: confidence, relaxation, fun, freedom, security, faszination

  • trend for hybrid motors rises

Vintage car drivers

  • 56% of old timer owner are a member of a car club

  • a typical vintage driver earns 3.000-4.000 €

  • a typical vintage car driver is between 41 and 60 years old

  • 94% of the vintage car drivers are male

Understand user

After following up with the research highlights I did a round of brainstorming. To understand the users even better I created a Persona.

Bildschirmfoto 2022-02-24 um 14.08.55.png

First concept

Afterwards I made some assumptions and also created a customer journey map to illustrate all the steps a car phanatic is going through.

So a rough concept and ENTHUSICAR was born.


Enthusicar is a online platform where car enthusiasts can exchange with likeminded, set a profile with all their cars and if they want it is possible to get offers for your car. It is more important to create a website which is easy to use and user friendly than to have a fancy one according to the demography.

Car + Enthusiasts =



In times of Corona it is hard to meet likeminded people and to be hones why do car phanatics have extraordinary cars? Maybe to show off and show the world what they have.

In addition they may find their dream car to buy or sell their car.

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Design Solution

Design wise I decided to create a clean, easy to understand and not so fancy design.

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In the following screens I am going to present you my solutions for the different use cases.

1. users need the ability to see and compare all 30 data points between cars.

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2. users need the ability to find all coupés.

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3. users need the ability to find specific cars

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4. users need the ability to find the most powerful coupé.

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5. users need the ability to view details for every listed car.

Bildschirmfoto 2022-03-01 um 10.04.59.png

📱 As I was roughly finished with the desktop screens I challenged myself to also create a mobile solution for some of the use cases.

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📈  created a not confusing tool to compare easily two cars

📈  invested a lot of time in research 

📈  compared two tools with the possibility to show off with all your cars and the possibility to sell your car/buy a new one


💡  not enough time for target group interviews

💡  the lack of time made it hard to create nice a high-fi design

💡  clickable prototypes help you to present your project better to the audience

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